There are some free games appearing with the intention of being free MMORPGs, but most of them aren't even role-playing games; they're first-person shooters or strategy games. Two perfect examples are
Warrock and
Battle Globe.

Warrock is massively multiplayer first-person shooter, so it's really a MMOFPS; not a MMORPG. Yet I always see it listed on MMORPG lists. I have never tried it out, though, because I'm not really interested in any FPS other than Sauerbraten, the Halo series, and maybe Half-Life 2. Warrock's title really doesn't appeal to me, either. I mean, what does Warrock mean?

Battle Globe is closer to a MMORPG, but it is better suited as another browser-based strategy game. Its selling point is the fact that it uses Flash to give it more interactivity and animation. It looks like something I'd play, but I probably won't give it a try until the beta is over with. Moreover, I believe this game may cost money after open beta, and I sooner not get addicted than pay for a game I once played for free.
Another game I must mention is Runescape. People keep calling it a
free MMORPG. That's false. Runescape is pay-to-play, however, they have a small portion of the game world set aside for free version as a way to entice new paying customers. It's a sort of try-before-you-buy demo version.